Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Removing Dents From Metal


Using a plunger to remove the dent is a good method if you are short on cash or the dent is a small one. Simply place the plunger of the center of the dent and work it like you would a clogged toilet. Continue to do this until you no longer see any improvement in the dent or until the dent is out.

Dry Ice

Place a block of dry ice over the top of the dent and wait for it to start to pull the dent out of the metal. This method is a good one to use if you are worried about damage to paint because the risk of paint damages is minimal.

Rubber Mallet

You can try to pound the dent out of the metal with a rubber mallet if you are working in an area where the back of the dent can be reached and there is enough room for you to swing the hammer. This method is not recommended if you are worried about damage to a paint job because it will most likely cause the paint to chip off. You should heat the area with a hairdryer before you start to work with the mallet so that the metal is more workable.