Monday, July 11, 2011

Remove The Rubber Stopper From A Can Of Cheese Spread

Spreadable cheese is delicious, but it can also lead to a huge mess.

If you've ever looked at the bottom of an aerosolized can of cheese spread you've likely noticed the tiny rubber stopper and have probably wondered what it's for. That tiny rubber stopper is how manufacturers fill their cans and keep them pressurized. If you remove the stopper while the can is full, you will have a huge mess on your hands as all of the pressurized cheese will come squirting out. Removing the stopper from an empty can is a rather easy task, however.


1. Empty the can of cheese spread completely and release any trapped air by pressing the nozzle at the top of the can (where the cheese comes out.)

2. Grasp the rubber stopper, firmly, with a pair of needle nose pliers. Wear protective eyewear during this step to prevent injury.

3. Twist the rubber stopper out of the bottom of the can while holding the bottom of the can away from your face and away from other people or animals. The stopper should come out rather easily if it has been completely emptied, but some residual cheese might still be left in there (which will squirt out.)

Tags: rubber stopper, away from, huge mess, tiny rubber, tiny rubber stopper