Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Reduce Gum Swelling

Change your toothbrush every three months to keep your mouth healthy.

Gingival swelling has many causes, including viral or fungal infection, lack of nutrition, poor-fitting dentures, tooth decay and scurvy. As gums enlarge, they cause pain and discomfort, especially when you are eating. Swollen gums may also bleed and could be a sign of gingivitis or periodontal disease. Practicing healthy dental habits should help reduce the swelling.


1. Follow good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth at least twice daily, using a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that protects against gingivitis. Floss at least once daily.

2. For immediate relief, gargle with a glass of warm water and lemon juice or with warm salt water. Swirl the liquid around your dental cavity for at least 30 seconds.

3. Clean your hands thoroughly and massage your gums with your fingertips. The motion will increase blood circulation to the area.

4. Practice healthy eating habits and consume enough Vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency contributes to gum disease. The recommended daily amount is between 5,000 and 10,000 mg.

5. Schedule professional dental cleanings and examinations every six months.

6. Avoid tobacco and alcohol, which irritate the gums.

Tips Warnings

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide is also effective in reducing gum swelling.

Visit a dentist if you are experiencing bleeding, severe discomfort or any other signs of gingivitis.

Avoid commercial mouthwashes if they cause irritation.