Monday, December 3, 2012

Use A Rub On Meat

Apply a rub before grilling steaks.

Enhance the flavor of meat by using a rub on the meat before cooking it. Use one of two major types of rubs. A dry rub, as the name suggests, has only dry ingredients, such as herbs and spices. A wet rub is similar to a dry rub, but includes at least one wet ingredient, such as oil or sauce, and it generally looks like a paste. Apply either type of rub using the same basic method.


1. Pat the meat dry with a paper towel.

2. Set the pieces of meat in a single layer on a large plate. If they do not fit, work in batches.

3. Sprinkle a thin coating of dry rub over the surface of the meat. If you have a wet rub, spread a thin layer on the meat.

4. Press the rub gently into the meat with your fingertips. Apply more, if needed, to get an even coating.

5. Turn the pieces of meat over and repeat steps 3 and 4 on the other side.

6. Wrap the pieces of meat in plastic wrap or place them in a plastic food storage bag.

7. Wait at least 30 minutes, and up to 24 hours, before cooking the meat. Put the meat in the refrigerator if you will be waiting at least an hour before cooking it. However, for best results, bring the meat back up to room temperature before cooking it.

8. Grill, saut or roast the meat until it is cooked to your preference.

Tags: before cooking, pieces meat, meat with