Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Make A Starbucks Frappuccino Mocha

The Starbucks frappuccino mocha is refreshing iced coffee drink which combines the flavors of espresso and chocolate. The drink will cost you $3 a pop at Starbucks, but you can imitate it at home with an espresso machine, a blender and a few simple ingredients.


1. Brew espresso in espresso machine. To best imitate a Starbucks mocha frappuccino, use two shots of espresso per serving. Use one shot for a mildly flavored espresso drink or 3 shots for a strong drink.

2. Pour espresso into the blender. Also pour in 1 tbsp. chocolate syrup per serving. Add more chocolate for a richer frappuccino.

3. Add ice cubes to the mixture in the blender. You'll need to add about 20 ice cubes per serving to achieve the right volume of beverage for a serving.

4. Flavor the frappuccino with your favorite Italian syrup flavors. Vanilla, mint and raspberry combine well with chocolate. Use 1 tsp. of syrup per serving.

5. Blend until ice is liquefied. The frappuccino should be thick and smooth.

6. Poor into tall clear glass. Garnish with whipped cream. Sprinkle cocoa powder on top of whipped cream. To make the drink look like a Starbucks mocha frappuccino, you can also drizzle chocolate syrup over the whipped cream.

7. Serve the Starbucks mocha frappuccino immediately out of the blender. If you cannot serve immediately, places the drinks in the freezer to keep them chilled.

Tags: chocolate syrup, mocha frappuccino, Starbucks mocha, Starbucks mocha frappuccino, whipped cream, chocolate syrup serving, espresso machine