Monday, June 27, 2011

Easy Microwave Caramel Popcorn

If you love caramel popcorn, there are a couple of easy, quick and fun ways to make up a batch in your microwave. It literally takes minutes to supply your inner child---or your children or a group of friends---with a quick sweet treat.


You can air pop a couple of tablespoons of popcorn kernels and make about 3 cups, or you can use a ready-made bag.


You want a nice, clean large bowl, preferably not metal. A ceramic, glass or even plastic bowl will work just great. Place your popcorn in the bowl, within reaching distance. Place just a dash or two of salt (sea salt is best).


If you have those little square candies of caramel, you are in luck---this is the easiest way. Take a cup of caramel squares and mix with 3 tbsp. of cream or whole milk. Microwave for one minute, continually checking for boiling. You want the mix to melt and meld. Stir at one minute. If there are still lumps of unmelted caramel, heat at 30-second intervals and continue to stir. You may need to add more cream.

No Caramel, No Problem

If you don't have caramel, you can fake it if you have brown sugar and butter. Take 1/4 cup of butter and 1/2 to 2/3 cup of brown sugar, depending on how sweet you like it, and place the mix in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat for one minute on high. If the mixture is bubbling, it's perfect. If you aren't sure by looking, place a drop in cold water. If it automatically hardens, it's perfect.


While your caramel mix is hot, take a hot pad and pour your caramel over your popcorn. It's best if you use a spoon and gently stir the popcorn in a scooping motion so you gather the popcorn from the bottom of your bowl. After you finish pouring, add some popcorn from your bowl into the bowl you used for the caramel. The popcorn will soak up the extra bits and make some of the yummiest pieces.

Tags: brown sugar, caramel popcorn, popcorn from, your bowl, your caramel, your popcorn