Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fresh & Frozen Compared To Dried Fruits

Each method of packaging or preparing fruit has both benefits and drawbacks. However, despite whether the fruit comes fresh, frozen or dried, the more fruit consumed, the better. For each situation though, determine which type of fruit works best for you.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit can be a convenient option as it takes up less room than fresh fruit and is not as messy as either fresh or frozen fruit. Dried fruit also does not require any special storage, but has potentially been linked to some cancers.

Fresh Fruit

Compared to dried fruit, fresh fruit has the full amount of vitamins and other nutrients, as some are lost in the drying process. However, fresh fruits do not last as long as their dried counterparts.

Frozen Fruit

Frozen fruit has many of the same benefits as fresh fruit, due to the fact that it is allowed to ripen fully before packaging. The short blanching required does little to alter the taste and provides a convenient and long-lasting option, similar to dried fruit.

Tags: fresh frozen, fresh fruit