Monday, March 12, 2012

Roast Peppered Chicken

Roast peppered chicken makes an excellent main course for large groups.

Roast peppered chicken is a simple, yet elegant dish that makes an excellent family dinner or main course for a special gathering, particularly where other dishes require more preparation time. Roast peppered chicken can be seasoned with a variety of different herbs and spices to compliment other items you are serving. For a simple meal, serving roast peppered chicken with a crisp green salad, wild rice, roasted root vegetables and a glass of white wine or light, lager-style beer.


1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Brush the top and bottom of the chicken with a small amount of extra virgin olive oil and season both sides with sea salt or kosher salt to taste and 2 tsp. ground black peppercorns per pound of chicken. Add any fresh or dried herbs to both sides of the chicken that you want to use as well.

3. Place the chicken in a large roasting dish. Put the chicken in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes per pound.

4. Remove the chicken from the oven and allow it to rest for 10 minutes so the juices redistribute. Slice the chicken with a large carving knife and put the meat on individual serving plates or transfer the whole chicken to a large serving platter. Serve immediately.

Tags: chicken with, peppered chicken, both sides, chicken large, main course, makes excellent, Roast peppered