Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bake Plantain Dishes

Those fruits in the produce section resembling overgrown, black or green bananas are actually plantains. Black skin on a plantain indicates a sweet, ripe fruit ready for preparation. Unlike the bananas they look like, plantains have a starchy texture like a potato and are best for use in savory dishes. Most often, plantains find their way into fried dishes, but you can bake plantains for a healthier option. Look for black skin to cook plantains for sweetness or green skins for a starchy taste. For additional baked plantain recipes, see resources.


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. Cut the skin off of the plantains as the peel adheres too tightly to peel as a banana.

3. Slice the plantains in half across the center and split each half of the plantains lengthwise to have four quarters per plantain.

4. Arrange the plantains into the baking dish.

5. Sprinkle the cubes of butter over the top of the plantains.

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 to 60 minutes until tender. Serve with salt and pepper if desired.
