Friday, November 12, 2010

Health Benefits Of Fresh Lemon Juice

Health Benefits of Fresh Lemon Juice

Lemons have always been popular in the kitchen because of their strong, distinct taste that can add a boost of flavor to a number of foods. While the zest of a lemon, which is shavings from the peel of the fruit, spices food nicely, it's lemon juice that is used most often. You can either squeeze it right from a lemon, or buy the juice at the store. Not only will it work as a potent flavoring, it will also add a number of health benefits to your diet.

Vitamin C

Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which is one of the most important antioxidants out there. It attacks free radicals that can cause oxidative damage to cells and DNA.


Present in the same amount as vitamin C, limonin is a special compound found in lemon juice. It helps prevent cancers of the mouth, skin, colon and gums.


Limonin is also known to lower the amount of LDL cholesterol in the body. This is the bad cholesterol that can cause heart problems.

Immune System

The high levels of vitamin C found in lemon juice also help boost the immune system. In addition to fighting off free radical damage, it also promotes white blood cell growth so the body can fight intruding bacteria and viruses.


Recent findings published in the "Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases" show that lemon juice and its vitamin C count helps to lessen the effects of rheumatoid arthritis.

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