Friday, November 19, 2010

Freeze Crab Soup

You can freeze crab soup more successfully than plain crabs.

Three ounces of queen crab cooked with moist heat contains approximately 147 percent of your daily recommended vitamin B12, 54 percent of your daily recommended selenium, 40 percent of your daily recommended protein and 26 percent of your daily recommended copper, according to While you may not consume this much crab in a single bowl of crab soup, you can still obtain nutrients from this tasty dish. Raw crab meat becomes tough and dry when you freeze it, but these problems will be less noticeable when you freeze cooked crab in soup.


1. Allow the soup to cool to at least room temperature. Ideally you should do this fairly quickly, such as by putting the soup in the refrigerator. This will minimize the time the soup sits at bacteria-friendly temperatures.

2. Transfer the soup into freezer-safe containers, then seal each container tightly. Put the soup into your freezer.

3. Store the soup in the freezer for up to three months. Transfer it to the refrigerator about 24 hours before you wish to eat it to allow it to thaw completely, then reheat.

Tags: daily recommended, percent your, percent your daily, your daily, your daily recommended, crab soup