Friday, September 10, 2010

Make Southern Style Deviled Eggs

Learn make southern style deviled eggs. These have a great flavor to them.


1. First, put eggs in a pot and fill the pot with enough water to cover the eggs. Turn the heat on the stove to medium high. When the eggs start boiling, reduce heat to medium or a little higher and boil them for 15 minutes or until done.

2. When the eggs are finished, run cold water in the pot and let them cool for 15 minutes. When they are cool, remove the shells and rinse them off. Slice the eggs in half down the long side of the egg. With a spoon, carefully remove the yolks and put them in a small bowl.

3. After all of the egg yolks are in the bowl, get a fork and mash them up really well. Now, carefully add your dressing to the yolks and only put in a tsp at a time. Stir the dressing into the yolks. Only add enough to make the yolks moist, but not runny. Add salt and pepper to taste if you wish. Dip the mixture of yolks and dressing back into the eggs. You can eat them right away or store them in the refrigerator in a covered container to eat later.

Tags: When eggs