Monday, September 13, 2010

Make Maine Lobster Roll

Fresh lobster is best for the perfect Maine lobster roll. This recipe doesn't adulterate the taste with added vegetables or too much mayonnaise-there's nothing here to disguise the luscious taste.


1. Boil a large pot of water-ideally it should be big enough to hold all the lobsters.

2. Put the lobsters in head first and place the lid on the pot so it's slightly ajar.

3. Boil the lobsters until the shells turn bright red.

4. Remove the lobsters and place them in a bowl of ice water. Leave to cool for three minutes.

5. Remove the meat from the lobsters and cut into 1/2-inch cubes.

6. Gently the lobster meat, mayonnaise and pepper are taking care to preserve the shape of the pieces. Chill the mixture for about one hour.

7. Split the rolls and spread the insides generously with butter.

8. Toast the insides of the rolls until golden, then toast the outsides. A skillet works best for this.

9. Fill the rolls with the chilled lobster and serve.
