Sunday, February 16, 2014

Add Topsoil To An Existing Lawn

Topsoil can and should be added to lawns that are not thriving. By adding topsoil to a lawn, the caretaker is building nutrients into the ground to help grass grow and also maintain a healthy environment. However, adding topsoil to an existing lawn can be tricky and should be done in a specific manner in order to provide maximum benefits.

Examine and Research Topsoil Before Buying

Topsoil is the uppermost layer of soil found in the ground. It is typically darker than the lower layers because it accumulates organic matter. The organic matter is beneficial to lawns. Before buying topsoil, learn more about the supplier and the types of soils available to ensure that the soil is rich in nutrients and free of fillers.

Inspect topsoil for debris before buying it, and make sure that the soil consists of only 5 percent rock fragments 3 inches in diameter or smaller. Loam or loamy soil is the ideal texture for lawn growth. Loamy topsoil is between 7 percent and 27percent clay, between 28 percent and 50 percent silt, and less than 52 percent sand.

Check to make sure that the topsoil contains between 2 percent and 10 percent organic matter. The organic matter improves the texture of soil and helps make it more porous so that the roots can have adequate air flow.

Calculate Amount of Soil Needed

Topsoil is sold in cubic yards with three to six yards typically being the minimum amount delivered. Calculate the amount needed by using the following formula: 12 cubic yards covers about 1,000 square feet to the depth of 4 inches.

Use Dry Soil

After the soil is purchased and delivered, keep it dry by covering it with a large sheet of plastic or a tarp. Dry soil is much easier to spread evenly than wet soil. Dry soil can also be spread with a broadcast spreader instead of by hand or with a shovel, which makes it much easier to distribute the soil evenly and lightly.

Use Light Amounts of Soil

When dropping soil, use a shovel, a broadcast spreader or spread it by hand. Be sure to drop soil slowly to avoid dumping too much on the area. When adding soil, be sure that very small amounts are dropped on grass so that the yard resembles a lawn and not a dirt-covered lot. Sprinkle the topsoil on an existing lawn, adding only tiny amounts that are barely visible. Add about one-quarter to one-half of an inch of topsoil at a time, being sure to add soil both early and late in the season for optimal growth.

Tags: topsoil, existing, lawn, organic matter, between percent, sure that, adding topsoil, between percent percent, broadcast spreader, cubic yards, existing lawn, make sure, make sure that, matter organic