Monday, February 24, 2014

Fix Sweaty Palms

No Embarrassment

Sweaty palms can be an annoying and embarrassing condition. This problem is chronic for many sufferers and could be a symptom of hyperhidrosis. This condition is often related to hormones, but is not completely understood. Although there is no cure for sweaty palms, there are effective treatments.


1. Try to relax. Learn meditation and yoga techniques to encourage relaxation. The more stressed you are, the more likely you are to sweat.

2. Wash your hands often with antibacterial soap. There is evidence that antibacterial soaps lessens sweaty palms. Also, carry hand sanitizer as the alcohol in it has a drying effect.

3. Consider a prescription. Oral medications such as ditropan and glycopyrrolate work to stop moist palms caused by excessive sweating. Cremes that contain these medications are also available.

4. Try Odaban. This is an antiperspirant available online that can be applied at night to stem sweat production. Odaban can be applied to areas of the body that are prone to sweating, including the hands.

5. Stay away from spicy food and caffeinated beverages, including coffee. Chocolate, hot peppers, Tabasco sauce, garlic, and onions should also be avoided.

6. Think about getting Botox injections if all else fails. These injections can be painful, but they do work by blocking nerve receptors that cause the sweat response.

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