Monday, September 19, 2011

Alternatives To Powdered Sugar

Powdered sugar is often used as a dessert topping as on this funnel cake

Powdered sugar is also known as icing sugar or confectioner's sugar. It is granulated sugar that has be further ground to a very fine powder and has had cornstarch mixed in it to prevent clumping. It has several uses in the kitchen, such as in icings, pastries, meringue and candies. Some must avoid it for health reasons. These people can use a substitute for powdered sugar, but depending upon the application in the recipe, the alternatives will be different.

Sugar-free replacement for powdered sugar

Combine 1 part granulated sugar substitute, 2 parts dry powdered milk and 2 parts cornstarch in a blender, and blend until the mixture is fine. This can be used to replace an equal amount of powdered sugar without the refined sugar. This recipe is best for use mixed in a recipe rather than as a topping for desserts (See Resources). The dry milk powder will add bulk to this substitute, allowing it to act more like regular powdered sugar.

Homemade powdered sugar substitute

Combine 1 cup granulated sugar and 1 tbsp. cornstarch in a blender to make a homemade substitute for 1 cup powdered sugar (See Reference 2). The cornstarch is not necessary, but it will prevent the mixture from clumping during storage. This can be used in all applications of powdered sugar.

Whipped cream or whipped topping sweetener

Add any sugar substitute equal to the required amount of powdered sugar to whipped topping or whipped cream after the cream has been whipped. See resource for conversion charts for Equal and Splenda. This substitute can only be used in recipes where the powdered sugar provides sweetness and not bulk (as in icings). Use the sugar-free substitute from Section 1 to sweeten and add bulk to a recipe.

Tags: powdered sugar, granulated sugar, sugar substitute, amount powdered, amount powdered sugar, cornstarch blender, powdered sugar