Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Write A Recipe Using Microsoft Word

Use your computer to store all your favorite recipes. Forget about looking through pages and pages of cookbooks. Now you can type your recipes and store the ones you like together. Follow these directions to write a recipe using Microsoft Word.


1. Open a blank Microsoft Word document. Change the font to size 18 so that the title will be the largest thing on the page. Click "Format" then "Font" on the menu board to change the font. Choose size 18 from the size list. Click "OK." Type your title at the top of the page. Press "Enter" twice.

2. Change your font to size back to 12 or 14. Type your first ingredient. Press the "Tab" key on your keyboard several times to create a second column. Type your second ingredient. Press the "Enter" key to get back to the left margin.

3. Type your next ingredient and then press the "Tab" key several times until your cursor is under the word in the second column. Type the next ingredient. Press "Enter." Continue until you have typed all the ingredients.

4. Press the "Enter" key several times to create blank space between the ingredients and the directions.

5. Type the recipe directions beginning with the first step. Continue until you list all of the steps needed for the recipe. Check your recipe for accuracy.

6. Click "File" on the menu bar and then choose "Save As" from the list. The "Save As" window appears. Type the name of your file in the "File Name" box. Click "Save" to save your document as a Word document.

7. Click "Print" to print a copy of your recipe. Print several copies to hand out or bind your copy into your own personal recipe book.

Tags: Press Enter, Type your, ingredient Press, Microsoft Word, several times, column Type