Friday, July 3, 2009

Good Food Choices For Diabetics

By introducing a diet of lean meats and vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, people with diabetes can lower their risk of heart disease and the many complications that plague diabetics with poor blood sugar control. Eating the right things and following a good diet can add years to a diabetic person's life and increase the quality of his or her life in later years.


Good food choices by a diabetic can lead to a longer, higher quality life as well as fewer complications from the disease. Eating the healthiest of foods can allow a diabetic to live a normal, healthy life. Good food choices combined with exercise can lower the risk of heart disease as well as complications such as nerve damage and erectile dysfunction

Whole Grains

Research has shown that adding whole grain to your diet can lower your risk of heart disease. This is especially crucial to diabetics because they are at higher risk than the general population for heart attacks caused by heart disease. Whole-grain bread and rice are good food choices as alternates to white bread and white rice, which lack the fiber and vitamins responsible for combating heart disease.


Fruits are recommended for a healthy diabetic diet as well. Although they do contain carbohydrates, they are important because of the vitamins, nutrients and fiber they offer those who are at risk for complications from diabetes. It is important to watch the quantity that you consume as a diabetic and to adjust the amount of insulin you use to counteract the carbohydrates. Fruits are a great alternative to starchy vegetables at mealtimes.


Adding non-starchy vegetables to your diet is a wise choice because these vegetables, including spinach, carrots and broccoli, contain vitamins and fiber just like fruits. They are substantially lower in carbohydrates than fruits and can be eaten any time of the day. Try not to add butter or oil because doing so increases the your daily fat intake. Many nutritionists recommend steaming your vegetables for the best retention of nutrients.

Lean Meats

Eating lean meats such as turkey, chicken and fish is an essential part of a good diet for anyone, including diabetics. These are foods that do not convert to sugar in the blood, so they should be eaten daily. Grill or bake your meats in low-fat oils and eat at least two to three servings of fish per week, including catfish, cod and flounder.

Tags: heart disease, food choices, risk heart, risk heart disease, complications from, good diet