Monday, July 15, 2013

Store Wine Properly

S. Matheson

Wine is easily affected by different environmental conditions, including light, humidity, vibration and even the angle at which the bottle is placed on the shelf. To preserve the flavor of wine and allow it to mature naturally, control the following factors.


1. Store unopened bottles horizontally so the wine touches the cork. This will keep moisture in and prevent the cork from drying and shrinking, which would allow air into the bottle. When wine meets air, it oxidizes and turns sour.

2. Keep the wine in a cool place, such as a basement, or invest in a wine refrigerator.

3. Store the wine on a shelf or unit that doesn't vibrate. Constant vibration can produce air bubbles, which will oxidize the wine, even when unopened. Sediment also becomes unsettled if the bottle vibrates. This will mix the sediment with the wine and alter its flavor.

4. Avoid leaving bottles in direct sunlight. UV light damages wine, diminishes flavor and matures the wine too quickly. Humidity (70 percent is ideal) is important to conserve flavor and tone, and sunlight can dry out the environment too much for the wine to be preserved.

5. Do not keep the wine in places that are too cold. Anything under 40F will cause the wine to stop maturing, even if the bottle is later moved to a warmer area.

6. Avoid storing wine near chemicals or products with strong smells, as they can get through the cork and into the bottle, affecting the flavor and consistency of the wine.

Tags: into bottle, This will