Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Store Port Wine

Authentic port wine is made in Portugal. It is usually recognized as a dark red, sweet dessert wine, but it also comes in white and tawny varieties. It's important to know store port wine both before and after opening the bottle.


1. Consume port wine according to its age. Older wines, such as vintage port, should be consumed within 24 hours. Aged tawnies should be consumed within five to ten days. Fine Tawnies, Fine Rubies, Anno Late Bottled Vintages and Special Reserves can last up to five or six weeks.

2. Keep port wine in a cool, dark place, a cellar is best. Light shining into the bottle can alter the structure and taste of the wine.

3. Store port that has cork stoppers standing up. Regular corked ports should be stored lying down with their labels facing up.

4. Transport the bottle of port from its storage area without turning or jiggling it. If it was lying label up, carry it this way. This will keep the sediment from moving around before you pour it.

5. Drink port wine with corks as soon as possible. Drink port with cork stoppers within a couple months. Keep the port in a cool place and away from light.

Tags: port wine, consumed within, cork stoppers, Drink port, Keep port, should consumed, should consumed within