Monday, May 21, 2012

Prepare Escargot

Escargot, the French term for snails, is quite a popular delicacy--not only in France and the Philippines, but also in fancy American restaurants. If you have a hankering for some escargot at home, you're in luck: These simple steps will teach you to prepare fresh escargot right in your own kitchen. So raise up your sleeves and grab a handful of those slimy critters. You're about to have a feast. Read on to learn more.


Preparing Live Snails

1. Put the snails in a container without any food for 2 days. Wash them frequently to rid the snails of any toxins and empty their intestines.

2. Remove the snails from the container and again wash them thoroughly. Either boil them for a short period of time or put them in the freezer to kill them.

3. Remove the snails from their shells using tweezers or a hook.

4. Remove the intestines and the body of the snail. You only want to eat the foot. The internal organs are not tasty.

5. Take off the shell door (the operculum) of each snail. If you want to reuse the snail shell to prepare an appetizer, sterilize them by washing them thoroughly with baking soda, rinsing them repeatedly and boiling them.

Preparing Store Bought Snails

6. Soak the snails in water for several hours, changing the water often.

7. Remove the snails from the water. Using the side of a knife, tap the tip of each snail shell to crack the shell. This process will loosen the meat in the shell.

8. Wash the snails numerous times and drain the water from them.

Tags: Remove snails, Remove snails from, snails from, each snail, snail shell, them thoroughly