Thursday, March 10, 2011

Select A Wholebean Coffee

Coffee connoisseurs often know exactly what they like and why. For the rest of us, however, choosing a coffee bean is not so black-and-white. So, for those new to the whole bean coffee scene or for those just wanting to spice up their usual daily coffee routine, try these tips for picking out the whole bean coffee that is perfect for you.


1. Look for Arabica beans as a general rule. You can branch out and try other varieties if you so desire, but stick to Arabica for your everyday cup of joe.

2. Choose your coffee based on the type of roast you prefer. The bean you choose will depend on whether you like a light, medium or dark roast. Since a light roast lets all of the bean's original flavor come through, save this option for a coffee whose flavor you truly enjoy.

3. Find your beans at a store or coffee shop that roasts its own beans. The oils from the beans will start breaking down after roasting, causing the bean to lose its flavor. So, the less time between roasting and drinking, the better.

4. Sample beans from various regions around the world to find the region you prefer, since the region of the world in which the beans are grown will strongly affect their flavor. The three general coffee-growing regions are Asia-Indonesia-Pacific, Africa/Arabia, and Central/South America.

5. Select beans according to four essential qualities: acidity, body, aroma and flavor. A good coffee should be rich in all of these areas. You may have to sample a few different beans before finding one that lives up to this standard.

6. Decide whether you want a flavored coffee. Flavored whole beans have had the flavor infused into them so that you grind and drink them as you would regular coffee. Remember, though, that you are stuck with whatever exotic coffee flavor you choose, so pick wisely.

Tags: bean coffee, whole bean, whole bean coffee