Friday, December 17, 2010

Make A Cheese Hat

Wisconsin football fans popularized the cheese hats, wearing them to each game.

Known as cheeseheads, the residents of Wisconsin take great pride in being known as the cheese capital of America. Since coining the term, an inventor by the name of Ralph Bruno took the term literally and created a hat made from foam to resemble Swiss cheese. After the invention, cheese hats began appearing in several sporting events within the state of Wisconsin to show their allegiance to the dairy state.


1. Use the pencil to draw a triangle at the top of the foam block. The triangle should take up the entire block in order to properly fit on your head.

2. Carve out a solid triangle from the foam block with the carving knife. Cut slowly using steady up-and-down motions to cut as straight as possible without cutting yourself or damaging the triangle. Remove the excess foam from the triangle.

3. Use the pencil to draw ovals and circles over the sides and the top of the triangle block. Using the surgical knife, cut the outlines to form oval and circle shapes to resemble the holes found in Swiss cheese. It is okay if your circles and ovals are not perfect because this will make the hat resemble the cheese.

4. Flip the triangle cheese block over. Draw a circle big enough to fit your head. Take the carving knife and use the outline as a guide for cutting. Remove the circle of foam.

5. Align one velcro strap onto one side of the head circle. Thread the needle, and first insert it into the velcro and then into the foam. Pull the needle out from the foam and reinsert it into the velcro. Continue until the hook of the velcro is completely sewn onto the foam. Repeat for the other velcro strap to complete the hat.

Tags: from foam, carving knife, cheese hats, foam block, into velcro