Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Purchase Cyser

Before you purchase cyser, you might want to know what it is. Ferment apple cider with honey to create cyser. "Ninety-nine bottles of mead on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of mead, take one down and pass it around, 'cause it's cyser after all." Cyser is not widely available; so you may have to search to find it.


1. Visit select Whole Foods Markets to purchase cyser in the autumn. Call before you go to check availability. If Whole Foods doesn't have it in stock, request a special order.

2. Taste cyser before you purchase it while touring a local vineyard or meadery. If the vineyard offers cyser, it'll usually be made in small batches in the fall. In the U.S., California, Colorado, New York, Washington and Michigan have the most meaderies.

3. Buy cyser online at Rabbit's Foot Meadery, Medovina, Earle Estates and Blacksnake Meadery. Read the website information carefully because state laws restrict shipping areas.

4. Ask for cyser at your local pub or liquor store. Remember that cyser is apple mead, and mead is honeyed wine, so cyser is considered wine.

5. Purchase your own ingredients for cyser and make a batch at home. See our Resources section below.

6. Pour the cyser and enjoy this ancient drink with an old-fashioned drinking song. "Ninety-eight bottles of mead on the wall, ninety-eight bottles of mead, take one down and pass it around."

Tags: bottles mead, bottles mead take, bottles mead wall, down pass, down pass around