Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Plant A Salsa Garden

Every salsa garden will be unique.

Growing your own fresh vegetables can be rewarding to say the least. One fun way to garden is to group your fruits and vegetables together to make a theme garden. A salsa garden is a wonderful way to grow your own vegetables and spices so you can enjoy fresh homegrown, homemade salsa later in the summer!


1. Create a plan. Make a list of the types of plants you wish to include in your salsa garden. Are you going to plant seeds or buy plants from the nursery? The basics are tomatoes, peppers (to your taste), cilantro and onions. Add to your shopping list a bag of potting soil, and a nice container to plant them in.

2. Decide on a good place for your garden. Salsa gardens do best outside. Most of the plants in a salsa garden prefer full sun or three-quarter sun.

3. Prepare your container or garden bed. Ensure you have proper drainage, either by holes in the container or pebbles in the bottom of the container. Fill your container 3/4 full with the potting soil.

4. Plant your plants! If you are using seeds, make sure you are giving them enough space. Plant plenty so you can thin them out later, leaving only the strong to thrive. Your plants can be arranged in any matter you see fit. Plant your tomatoes, peppers, onions and cilantro abundantly throughout your garden. When planting, ensure you supply ample potting soil around your plants to avoid any air pockets.

5. Supply enough water to relieve any air pockets around the root systems of your plants. Check your drainage if you can. You don't want the roots of your plants sitting in water for long periods of time.

6. Watch that garden grow! Water your plants daily, checking the soil daily for over-watering. If you have chosen a hanging container, let your plants roll over the side as the heavy fruit grows.

Tags: your plants, salsa garden, potting soil, Plant your, tomatoes peppers