Friday, October 4, 2013

Muenster Cheese Health Benefits

Cheese has many health benefits despite being high in fat.

There are many health benefits to muenster cheese. Most of these health benefits are the same as in most types of cheese. Some of the general ones are added calcium, vitamin A and protein in a food low in carbohydrates. A major downfall to cheese and that is it is generally high in fat.


One of the main health benefits of muenster cheese is that it is high in calcium. Calcium is beneficial for strengthening teeth, bones and cartilage. Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis, which is a deficiency disease, resulting in a loss of bone density.


Muenster cheese is proven to reduce tooth decay because of the protein and how it helps neutralize plaque acids and prevents acid de-mineralization and helps re-mineralization of tooth enamel. People who are lactose intolerant can eat cheese because cheese contains little to no lactose. The more aged the cheese is, the less amount of lactose that can be found in the cheese.

Disease Prevention

Muenster cheese is beneficial in helping to prevent certain cancers, such as colon cancer and breast cancer. Some of the things found in cheese that prevent cancer are the conjugated linoleic acid and sphingolipids. Vitamin B (found in cheese) is good for maintaining many body functions and also good for preventing diseases. It enhances blood formation and strengthens the liver and facilitates absorption in the body. Also, PMS symptoms are reduced in the second half of the menstrual cycle when the woman eats cheese. Migraines are preventable with the help of eating muenster cheese. Another disease that it helps to prevent is gout.

Tags: health benefits, cheese that, found cheese, muenster cheese, benefits muenster