Monday, April 8, 2013

Cut Vegetables For An Omelette

An omelette is an easy and versatile dish anyone can make for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Cut the vegetables for an omelette into uniform pieces to ensure that everything cooks evenly. Cutting the vegetables neatly will also lend a professional appearance to your omelette.


1. Select your vegetables. Bell peppers of every color are a popular choice, as are onions, broccoli, mushrooms, spinach and tomatoes. Plan for 1/2 to 1 cup of vegetables for each omelette serving.

2. Wash the vegetables in cold water and pat dry. Remove the stems of the bell peppers by pushing them into the vegetable until they break off. Tear the pepper in half and rinse the seeds out under cold water. Tear out the thin membrane between the peppers sections before cutting. Do not rinse mushrooms in cold water; instead take a damp paper towel and dust off any debris on the outside of the mushroom. Then slice the mushroom lengthwise into thin strips to be added to the omelette.

3. Tomatoes can be diced easily if you remove the stem first and then cut them into quarters. Cut the firm outside of the tomato into 1/4-inch strips and remove the seedy middle part of the tomato. Then dice by cutting the firm outside into 1/4-inch pieces.

4. Slice the vegetables into thin strips about 1/4-inch wide. Then, dice by cutting the strips into 1/4 inch squares. If using bell peppers, set aside some to slice into thin strips for garnish.

Tags: cold water, into thin, into thin strips, thin strips, dice cutting