Monday, September 24, 2012

Store Blue Cheese

Blue Cheese

Blue cheese can be made from cows' milk or goats' milk. These cheeses are set apart from other cheeses because they contain blue mold spores. These mold spores are able to spread and for this reason, blue cheeses should not be stored with other kinds of cheese. Protect your blue cheese and store it properly to keep it fresh for as long as possible.


1. Examine the packaging of any blue cheeses that you are considering buying. Make sure the blue cheese is sealed well and that the cheese inside the package looks fresh. If the blue cheese appears dry or if the plastic does not appear to be properly sealed, choose another package. Look at the freshness date to make sure it has not expired.

2. Unwrap the blue cheese from the plastic wrap before placing it in the refrigerator for storage.

3. Wrap the blue cheese loosely in a square of butcher wrap paper. It is best if you allow some air to reach the cheese. Tape the butcher paper around the cheese and store it on a refrigerator shelf with a little space around it. Do not place other kinds of cheese along side blue cheese.

4. Check the blue cheese every few days while storing to assess any new mold growth. If new mold forms, simply wipe it off or cut it off. Change the butcher wrap after removing new mold growth.

Tags: blue cheese, blue cheese, blue cheeses, butcher wrap, cheese store, kinds cheese, mold growth