Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ancho Peppers

Ancho peppers are used in tamales, red chili and other Mexican dishes. In Mexico, the Ancho peppers are the backbone for any dish. The Ancho peppers have 1,000 to 2,000 Scoville heat units -- milder than the jalapeno pepper, which is 2,500 to 8,000 Scoville heat units. The Scoville scale is a measurement of the hotness of the pepper based on the amount of capsaicin in the pepper. Capsaicin is an odorless, tasteless compound that is insoluble in water.

Ancho 101

Ancho 101 peppers are dark rusty red when mature. When the peppers are still green, they are stuffed and used in chiles rellenos. Ancho 101 peppers have a mildly hot taste. The peppers are ground up and turned into chili powder. The heart-shaped pepper is 4 inches long and tapered on the end. Ancho 101 peppers can be strung on ropes and made into wreaths. Peppers take 76 to 80 days to mature.

Ancho San Luis

The heart-shaped Ancho San Luis matures in 76 to 80 days. The peppers are a darkish green until maturity when the pepper turns to a red and then a mahogany color. Peppers are 3 inches wide and 6 inches long. Ancho San Luis is mildly hot peppers that are good fresh and as a dried powder. The San Luis enhances the taste of homemade salsa.

Ancho San Martin Hybrid

The Ancho San Martin hybrid matures in 75 days after planting. The 3-1/2 inch wide, 5-1/2 inch long pepper has a thick flesh, which makes the pepper good for stuffing and making chile rellenos or drying or roasting. The heart-shaped pepper is a dark green color when mature.

Ancho Poblano

The Ancho Poblano is a Ancho chili when dry, but when fresh, the pepper is called poblano chili. These peppers are darkish green until ripened, at which time the color changes to a dark red, almost brownish color. Ancho poblano peppers are flat and 4 to 5 inches long. The heart-shaped Ancho poblano is mild-tasting and used for chili powder and sauces when dried or for roasted and added to egg and tomato dishes.

Tags: Ancho peppers, Ancho Luis, inches long, Ancho Martin, Ancho peppers have, Ancho poblano