Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tell If My Tomatillos Are Ripe

This tomatillo is not ripe, but is ready to harvest and use in culinary dishes.

Tomatillos, commonly known as husk tomatoes or Mexican green tomatoes, are native to Mexico and are a common ingredient in Mexican cooking. They are used in salsa verde and frequently used in traditional salsas as well. Tomatillos are typically harvested when the fruits are green, which is when they have the tart flavor for which they are known. Harvest tomatillos when they are ripe, if desired, but note that they will have lost much of their tartness.


1. Keep track of how many days it has been since planting. It takes 75 to 100 days before the tomatillos are ready to harvest, but it will take a week or two longer than this for them to fully ripen.

2. Watch the husks turn from green to tan. At first the fruits remain green, which is when most people harvest tomatillos.

3. Observe the fruits carefully after the husks turn tan and begin to separate, revealing the fruit inside. You can also peel open the husk a bit, if necessary. Tomatillos will turn a pale purple or yellow, indicating they are ripe.

Tags: green which, green which when, husks turn, ready harvest, they ripe, when they