Monday, November 7, 2011

Yellow Carrot Varieties

When one thinks of carrots, orange is surely the color that springs to mind. But these vegetables are also available in a spectrum of colors including red, purple, white and yellow. Yellow varieties, of which there are several, originate form Eurasia. And according to plant breeder and geneticist Philipp Simon, they contain xanthophylls, pigments similar to beta carotene, which promote healthy eyes and may help prevent cancer.


Perhaps the most well-known yellow carrot, Yellowstone is an 8- to 10-inch carrot with a pointed tip, large top and broad shoulders. They are only slightly less sweet than traditional orange carrots, and have an average texture. According to the University of California, they are vigorous and adapted to a wide variety of climates.


Sometimes sold as "Yellow Lobbericher," these carrots grow to around 10 inches and display a bright golden yellow color with a greenish core. They have a slightly rounded overall shape with pointed tips and very strong tops. Lobbericher carrots have an average taste with mild sweetness.

Jaune Obtuse du Doubs

This French variety can grow 10 to 12 inches long, and has a typical pointed shape with very strong tops. Jaune Obtuse du Doubs carrots have a mildly sweet flavor and average texture, and they display a lemon-yellow color.

Purple Dragon

An unusual variety to be sure, Purple Dragon appears to be reddish purple on the outside. But peeling away the skin reveals a light yellow center. About 8 inches long, these carrots have tapered roots and a sweet flavor.


Most carrots grow best in moist, well-drained soil with ample organic content and sunlight; yellow carrots are no exception. They can be grown in a wide range of climates, but typically fare better in cool or transitional climates. Consult with a local expert or visit your state university's extension website to help you choose varieties that are well-suited to growing in your garden.

Tags: carrots have, average texture, carrots grow, carrots have average, have average