Monday, August 5, 2013

The Spices In Teriyaki

Teriyaki sauce can include a variety of seasonings.

Teriyaki is a Japanese cooking technique in which food is either broiled or grilled with a soy sauce. The soy sauce is often called teriyaki sauce. Regardless of what recipe you use to make teriyaki sauce, one ingredient will always be the same -- the soy sauce. Other than the soy sauce, the ingredients used to make teriyaki sauce can vary.


Ginger comes from the root of the Zingiber officinale plant. It is used for medicinal and culinary purposes. Fresh, grated ginger is best for flavor when making a teriyaki sauce. Powdered ginger can also be used as a spice in teriyaki sauce, but it may not have as fresh a taste.


Garlic is a relative of the onion. The leaves and flower of the plant are edible, but the bulb is the most commonly used part. The bulb is divided into sections called cloves. In teriyaki sauce, you can add freshly chopped or grated garlic from the clove for optimal flavor. Garlic powder can also be used.

Onion Powder

Onions are the bulb of a flowering plant species called Allium cepa. Onion powder is a spice made from dehydrated bulb onions. After the onions are dehydrated, they are ground to a fine powder. There are several varieties of onion powder including white, red, yellow and toasted onion powder. Typically, white onion powder is used to make teriyaki sauce.


Chives come from the bulb of the Allium schoenoprasum plant and they are the smallest edible onion. The leaves of the chive plant are used for seasoning and garnish. When adding chives to your teriyaki sauce, it is best to add them when the sauce is almost complete. This helps preserve the flavor of the chives. In teriyaki sauce, chives are chopped fine, or minced.

Tags: teriyaki sauce, make teriyaki, make teriyaki sauce, teriyaki sauce, also used, onion leaves