Friday, August 23, 2013

Types Of Food Packaging

Canning jars are a classic food package style.

People have been preserving foods since prehistoric times, when cave dwellers dried and smoked their excess meat from the hunt. In modern times we have a variety of methods with which to preserve food, and many types of packaging in which to store it. From classic cans to space age vacuums, food can be packaged in a number of ways.

Cans and Jars

Whether packed in metal cans or glass jars, preserved foods in solid containers are all processed in the same basic way. Food is heated and placed into a container. A lid is affixed to the top of the container, and the entire package is heated in some way, sealing the container and killing the germs that may be present. These packages help protect the food by keeping air out, as well as physically preventing the food from being crushed.

Plastic Bags

Whether for freezer, refrigerator or shelf, food packaged in plastic bags has the advantage of being in an airtight environment. Plastic bags keep out excess moisture, preventing freezer burn in meats and staleness in crackers and cookies. Lacking a definite shape, plastic bags can save storage space, because they can be manipulated to fit into many different spots.

Vacuum Packed

A newer variation on the plastic bag, vacuum packing is the process of packaging food in plastic while removing all of the air from the pack. The lack of air helps the food to stay fresh longer and will cause the package to be smaller in size for ease in storage. Foods in vacuum packaging must remain sealed until use to keep them fresh.

Retort Packaging

While retort packaging may have begun with the army and their MREs, it has come a long way from its humble beginnings. Food is placed in metallic or heavy plastic pouches and cooked in steam in a way that preserves it. Food that might otherwise need canning or freezing, like tuna, stew and cooked pasta dishes, can be shelf-stable but take up much less storage space.

Tags: food packaged, plastic bags, storage space