Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Use Reggiano

Reggiano is also known as Parmigiano-Reggiano, and it is a hard grating cheese from Italy. In order to acquire this name, it must be made in a very specific region of Italy. Since it is aged for many years, it is very dry and has a concentrated flavor. Reggiano is a good cheese for grating and using in your recipes. The entire cheese is edible, including the rind.


1. Cut the cheese away from the rind.

2. Grate the cheese with the cheese grater in order to get shredded or grated cheese for your recipe. Use this in any recipe requiring grated or shredded Reggiano or Parmigiano-Reggiano. This will often be mixed into doughs or batters, or used as a topping for salads or cooked dishes.

3. Shave the cheese by running a vegetable peeler over one end of it the way that you would peel vegetables. Instead of cutting off a thin sliver of peel, you will shave fine sheets of Reggiano off of your larger block. Use these shavings as garnishes to top salads and entrees.

4. Put the rind in any stock pot with ingredients for making a homemade stock or broth. You can add the rind to any types of broth: chicken, vegetable, beef, etc. Leave what remains of the rind in the pot with the other broth flavorings, or pull it out and eat it.

5. Eat the rind raw as an addition to a cheese plate. While it is not covered in wax and safe to eat, not everyone will appreciate the taste. Be sure to have other cheese options on the cheese plate.

Tags: cheese plate