Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dehydrate Sour Cream

Dehydrated sour cream is a great addition to dips.

Dehydrated sour cream becomes a powder that is used for adding zesty flavor to your cooking. The powder can be added to dips and sauces, and some baking recipes require dehydrated sour cream for flavoring. Making your own can save money, because store-bought powder is often four times as expensive as the sour cream. It is easy to cook, though it does require a dehydrator. Homemade sour cream powder must be kept refrigerated, and lasts a few weeks.


1. Spread the sour cream on a baking sheet in an even layer. The layer should be about 1/4-inch thick.

2. Put the baking sheet in the dehydrator and set it to the lowest heat setting, somewhere around 140 degrees farenheit.

3. Check the sour cream every 20 minutes until the sour bream layer has become a brittle sheet.

4. Remove the baking sheet. Crumble the sour cream with your hands into a fine powder. Put the powder in the jar and seal.

5. Keep the jar refrigerated. The powder lasts as long as regular sour cream, at least a few weeks.

Tags: sour cream, baking sheet, sour cream, Dehydrated sour