Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Use A Candy Thermometer

Candy making relies on precise timing during the cooking process. A candy thermometer is your best guarantee that your candy will be the right consistency after cooking. Remember to follow your recipe exactly and use your thermometer as directed.


1. Do a test to be sure your thermometer is accurate. Let it stand in boiling water for 10 minutes. If the thermometer doesn't read 212 degrees F, you need to figure the difference and add or subtract to make the temperature measurements correct for your candy.

2. Gather the ingredients for your candy recipe.

3. Follow the recipe as directed until you get to the cooking stage.

4. Cook the candy as directed. Some recipes will give you a temperature to aim for, while others may use one of the following terms: "thread," "soft ball," "medium ball," "firm ball," "hard ball," "very hard ball," "light (or soft) crack," "hard crack" or "caramelized sugar" stages. The temperatures for some or most of these terms should be indicated on your candy thermometer.

5. Place the candy thermometer in the pan with the cooking candy. Be sure the bulb of the thermometer never touches the bottom of the pan, or the temperature will register too high. You want to find out the temperature of the candy mixture, not of the pan.

6. Continue to cook the candy until it reaches the desired temperature.

7. Remove the candy thermometer (be careful - it will be hot) and follow the recipe to complete the candy making.

Tags: your candy, candy thermometer, hard ball, your thermometer