Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wine & Water Goblet Differences

Wine And Water Goblets

Goblets have three parts. There's the mouth, the bowl and the stem. The shape of the first two determines the purpose. You can drink wine and water from any goblet, but matching the glass to the purpose adds to the enjoyment.

Water Goblet

With a wide mouth and deep belly, the water goblet is thicker. Its more substantial stem stands out in a setting of wine glasses.

Red Wine Glass

Where a water goblet has a closer mouth and no belly, the red wine goblet shows a large open mouth and deep bowl. These glasses are designed to highlight the aroma--also called the nose--of these wines.

White Wine Glass

The water goblet with a more utilitarian shape contrasts strongly with the white wine glass which was developed for the lighter wines. These wines have a less intense nose, and their glasses have smaller mouths and bowls.

Champagne Flute

The water goblet appears squat and pedestrian next to the flute which is designed to show off the effervescent qualities of champagne.The flute is the tallest and narrowest of wine glasses

Dessert Wine Glass

The water goblet towers over these specialty dessert wine glasses; they're distinctive for their much smaller bowl and wide mouths. They are used in the serving of heavier wines such as ice wines, sherries and ports.

Tags: water goblet, wine glasses, Glass water, Glass water goblet, mouth deep