Monday, December 7, 2009

Buy A Single Bottle Wine Chiller

Single bottle wine chillers can be electric, designed to quickly cool a bottle of wine, and non-electric, designed to help retain the temperature of a chilled bottle of wine. Electric bottle chillers are relatively inexpensive and convenient. Non-electric wine chillers are inexpensive and attractive on any table setting.


1. Determine what type of single bottle wine chiller you desire. Non-electric wine chillers can go anywhere because they don't require an electrical outlet. Electric chillers must be plugged in, confining them to indoor use only.

2. Learn about water-cooled electronic single wine bottle chillers. These wine chillers cool wine by shooting a constant stream of ice-cold water while simultaneously rotating the wine bottle.

3. Discover single bottle wine chillers that use thermoelectric cooling systems. An electronic charge passes through intersecting wires made of different metals. The bottle of wine is then chilled through the flow of electric currents.

4. Determine how quickly you would like your wine chilled. Thermoelectric wine chillers will cool wine from room temperature to properly chilled in about four minutes. A single bottle wine chiller using water jets takes about 10 minutes.

5. Settle on how much you are willing to spend. Electronic single bottle wine chillers range from about $50 to $100. Non-electric wine chillers will cost between $5 and $20.

Tags: wine chillers, bottle wine, bottle wine chillers, Non-electric wine, Non-electric wine chillers, single bottle wine, bottle chillers