Friday, February 3, 2012

Easy Chocolate Dessert Party Recipes

Nothing satisfies like a chocolate dessert. If you're inviting friends over and don't have time to prepare something elaborate and labor intensive, you can fall back on a number of easy chocolate dessert stand-bys. With the help of prepared brownie mixes or cookie batters, you can make a tasty chocolate treat in less than thirty minutes. Just make sure you stop to taste the batter!


Brownies are simple to make with a box mix. All you need to do is preheat the oven, combine the mix with the wet ingredients (eggs, water, and oil), and bake. It's that simple. You can make simple box mixes more exciting by stirring in chocolate, caramel, or peanut butter chips, or even crushed pieces of your favorite candy bar. Try topping your brownies with frosting, peanut butter, or chocolate sauce.

Chocolate Fondue

Fondue is a great dessert for a party or gathering. It's more than just a dessert; it's an activity. To make the chocolate fondue, you'll need about ¼ cup of heavy whipping cream for each 3 ½ ounce bar of bittersweet chocolate you use. Heat the cream before adding the chocolate, and remove the pan from the heat quickly so the cream will not curdle. For added flavor, add a splash of your favorite liqueur. Have strawberries, graham crackers, banana slices, and other delicious morsels ready to dip in the pot. And don't forget---dropping your morsel in the pot can mean trouble. Traditionally, if a woman drops her food, she has to kiss the man next to her; a man who drops his food has to buy a drink for everyone at the party.

Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate is a super easy-to-make treat, and makes an evening by the fire even more cozy and festive. You can buy easy-to-use hot chocolate mixes at most grocery stores, or combine cocoa powder with a few extra ingredients for a richer or more flavorful cup. Simply heat water and add hot cocoa mix or cocoa powder to taste. For thicker hot chocolate, heat milk or cream as a base. And, for added flavor, mix in spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg, or top your cup with marshmallows.

Tags: added flavor, cocoa powder, drops food, peanut butter, simple make, your favorite