Monday, March 30, 2009

Cheeses To Serve At A Party

Cheese can often be found served at parties.

Different types of parties all require that the host serve some type of refreshments to his guests. Cheese is a common appetizer or snack that is served. Some parties pair the cheese with wines, while others simply serve cheese with sausage and crackers. Regardless of what the cheese is served with, it is important to serve several different types of cheese, between three and five, one from each category.

Blue Cheese

Blue cheese is thought to have been discovered by accident when a cheese-maker inadvertently left a some rye bread in his cheese caves. He returned and found his cheese to be covered in blue mold. He tried the cheese and enjoyed it. Today's blue cheese includes variations of this rye mold. Some blue cheeses include Roquefort, Bleu d'Auvergne, Valdeon and Smokey Oregon Blue. These cheeses are generally white in color with veins of blue and each kind carries its own intense flavor.

Semi-Firm Cheese

This type of cheese, as the name implies, is firmer to the touch than softer cheeses. This is created by cutting the curds smaller, allowing more whey to be pressed from the cheese. These cheeses are created from various different milks, such as milk from cows, goats and sheep. Many of the cheeses are salted in brine and aged until firm. Cheddar, Raclette, Manchego and Le Moulis are all cheeses that fall into this category. Semi-firm cheeses are typically subtle, but rich in flavor.

Super-Aged Cheese

The super-aged cheeses are those that have been aged for a longer period of time than most other cheeses, typically longer than a year. Their flavor is considered to be sharp and often nutty. Sharp Cheddar, Gouda, Asiago and Comte are some of the super-aged cheeses available. When serving this type of cheese, remember that the cheese that is closer to the rind will have less flavor than that in the middle because of the way cheese ripens.


Typically, pungent is not a word that elicits a positive response. However, when speaking of cheese, it refers to a specific type of cheese that you can serve at your party. These cheeses are also sometimes called "stinky" cheeses. Choose from cheeses in this category, including Limburger, Munster, Taleggio and Epoisses. Some people choose to stay away from this type of cheese because of its "stinky" stigma, but others actually prefer this type of cheese.

Mild Cheese

Mild cheeses are those that are considered to be fresh cheeses. They are not typically aged at all and are served shortly after they have been made, within a few weeks at the most. Typically, these are simply a fresh version of cheeses that are aged for a longer period of time, such as cheddar, mozzarella, cream cheese and feta. These cheeses are often softer in texture. Mild cheeses are often served as part of another recipe or with crackers.

Tags: type cheese, These cheeses, have been, this type, this type cheese, aged longer