Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Grind Beef At Home

When you grind beef at home, you know what's going into the mixture. You can control the amount of fat and you know that it's fresh. You can grind the beef with an old-fashioned hand-cranked grinder, a grinder attached to a mixer or a food processor.


Get Ready

1. Buy some beef. For a pound of hamburger, buy 1/2 pound of chuck and 1/2 pound of sirloin steak.

2. Cut the meat into 1-inch square cubes.

3. Mix the cubes of meat up in a bowl so the chuck and sirloin are evenly distributed.

4. Put the meat in the freezer for half an hour.

5. Clean your grinding equipment in soapy water before it is used. It also helps if the equipment is cold. Put it in the freezer for an hour or so before grinding.

Grind Beef in a Food Processor

6. Put the metal chopping blade in the food processor.

7. Place the meat in the food processor.

8. Pulse the meat in 1 or 2 second bursts until it gets to a texture you like. You might have to do it in batches. Don't chop it too much.

9. Cook it when it's all ground up. You can also put it in the refrigerator and keep it for up to three days. You can freeze it for up to three months.

Grind Beef in a Meat Grinder

10. Assemble the grinder. The hand-cranked kind and the kind that attaches to a mixer basically work the same way. Attach the grinder to the countertop or mixer.

11. Place a bowl to catch the meat under the grinder.

12. Put the meat into the hopper and start grinding away. Don't overfill it.

13. Press the meat along gently. You want to keep the grinder supplied but don't force anything.

14. Cook the meat when it's all ground up. You can also put it in the refrigerator and keep it for up to three days. You can freeze it for up to three months.

Tags: also refrigerator, also refrigerator keep, days freeze, days freeze three, food processor, freeze three, freeze three months