Thursday, May 17, 2012

Freeze Edamame Soybeans

Use durable and air tight bags when freezing edamame.

If you want to enjoy the nutty flavor of edamame throughout the winter, try freezing them. Edamame, or unripe soybeans, is a nutritious vegetable that has 12 g of protein, 13 g of carbohydrate and 3.5 g of fat in a 100-gram serving. The legume is also high in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A. Freezing edamame, which is a good way to preserve nutrients, requires blanching. Blanching involves placing vegetables in boiling water for a short time period to stop enzymes and maintain flavor.


1. Wash the edamame to remove any dirt or grit. Remove the beans from the pods if desired.

2. Make an ice-water bath by filling a bowl with cold water and ice cubes.

3. Fill the pot with water and bring to a boil.

4. Place the edamame in the boiling water for two to three minutes. The pods or beans will turn bright green.

5. Drain the beans in the colander.

6. Put the pods in the ice water bath for two to three minutes, which immediately stops the cooking process.

7. Remove the edamame from the ice-water bath and place on paper towels to drain and cool.

8. Spread the cooled pods on a baking sheet or tray in a single layer and freeze. After the pods are frozen place them in freezer bags.

Tags: boiling water, ice-water bath, three minutes