Friday, May 27, 2011

Kids' Invention Ideas

Even very young kids can have fun making inventions of their own.

Inventions are created every year that change the world for the better. Some inventions make life more comfortable, like air conditioning. Some have completely changed the way the world works, such as computers. While kids are unlikely to create inventions that change the world, there are many ways they can use household items to create fun inventions of their own design.

Water Xylophone

Let kids create their own musical instrument using water and glasses. The kids should gather up to eight glasses and two plastic sticks. Fill the glasses with different amounts of water and tap the glasses with the stick. It will ring out with a musical note. Help them tune the glasses by using a keyboard to match the tones. Simply pour water out or add more to change the tuning. Once they have the xylophone tuned properly, the kids can use the plastic sticks to play tunes on the xylophone.

Alarm System

Kids can create a simple warning system that will alert them if somebody is getting into their belongings. This alarm system is perfect for use while sleeping and can be created by using string, kitchen utensils and some books. Tie a string around the drawer where they keep their favorite toys or belongings. Run the string across the room and tie it to some books placed on some shelves. Place some metal plates and utensils under the books. When the drawer is opened, the string will pull the books off the shelves and land on the utensils. This will make a loud noise, scaring away the sibling or waking up the alarm maker.

Using Old CDs

Used or scratched CDs often become useless drink coasters when they can no longer play. However, kids can use these CDs in inventions of their own. One of these inventions is a mousetrap racer. The mousetrap racer uses the energy from a snapping mousetrap to propel a car. The CDs are used for the wheels on mousetrap racers. However, kids can also create jewelry or decorations with CDs. For example, they could tie a string through a CD and run it through a normal earring to create CD earrings. They could also tape or glue them to construction paper and place them on their bedroom walls for wallpaper.


Kids can create their own simple animation at home using nothing more than pencil and a stack of paper. This invention idea is especially appropriate for children with artistic skills. Have your child draw a simple drawing at the corner of one of the pages. The complexity of the drawing depends on how complex he feels comfortable making his animation. Place another piece of paper on top of the first and have him draw a similar drawing. However, he should change it so that parts of the drawing have moved very slightly. Repeat this process until he is done. Staple the pages together and flip through them rapidly. This creates the illusion of movement.

Tags: inventions their, change world, create inventions, create their, glasses with