Thursday, January 21, 2010

Make Large Ice Cubes

Custom ice cubes have lots of potential.

Most standard ice cube trays make small to mid-size ice cubes. If you have a need for larger ice cubes, experiment with items found in your kitchen. Many accumulated plastic cups or bowls make dependable large ice cube molds. Be sure to clear space out of the freezer for adequate ice cube-making room. Get creative and see what shapes you have available for the large ice cubes.


1. Set an assortment of plastic cups, bowls or plastic cookware onto the kitchen counter. Turn on the tap and get the water running lukewarm.

2. Fill the cups or improvised molds 2/3 to 3/4 full of warm water. Use warm water as it freezes faster than cold.

3. Place the cups or filled molds into the freezer and leave for at least four hours. Check back and poke the surface of the ice with a toothpick. If the tip breaks through the top the cubes have not adequately frozen yet.

4. Check back a few hours later and use the toothpick test again. Once frozen, twist the sides of the cups or bowls to free the ice cubes from the sides. Turn the cups or bowls upside down over a large container to free the cubes out.

5. Place the ice cubes back into the freezer.

Tags: cups bowls, cubes have, Check back, free cubes, into freezer, plastic cups, plastic cups bowls