Friday, May 31, 2013

Why Rinse Pinto Beans After Soaking

Dried pinto beans have an extended shelf life

Pinto beans are a type of bean used in a variety of cooking styles. They are a very common bean used in Mexican cooking. Beans provide high amounts of protein and fiber to the diet. They can also be used as a filler for soups and salads. When these beans are dried, they need to be soaked.


Reconstituting is the process of soaking the beans to get water back into the bean. Beans need to be soaked for at least six hours and preferably 12 hours. This will shorten the cooking time, and also aids in digestion and eliminating gastrointestinal problems.


Pour the beans and water into colander or a sieve. You want to remove as much of the old water as possible as it will still harbor the molecules that cause gastrointestinal distress.


Rinse the beans thoroughly in your kitchen sink, using a sprayer attachment or by moving the sieve or colander around by hand. The purpose of rinsing them is to remove all of the dust and small pebbles that may be attached to the beans. Rinse them for at least three minutes. This will also remove any damaged husks.

Drying and Seperating

Allow the beans to drip until most of the excess water is gone. Pour them out over a towel and use your hands to settle them into a single layer. The purpose of this is to separate the good beans from small stones and hardened beans, eliminating the potential of swallowing a pebble or chipping a tooth.

Tags: bean used, beans water, need soaked, This will