Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Microwave Organic Popcorn

Popcorn from organically grown kernels lacks the chemicals used in conventionally grown popcorn.

Organic popcorn does not differ in preparation from conventionally grown popcorn. Organic popcorn kernels are sold in microwaveable bags, as loose kernels, and on the cob. The popping times in the microwave will vary depending on your microwave. Use your ears to listen for the popcorn kernels to slow in their popping to several seconds between pops to know when to remove the popcorn from the microwave.


Popcorn on the Cob

1. Set "on the cob" popcorn between two paper plates.

2. Heat the popcorn on high power for two to three minutes or until most of the kernels have popped.

3. Remove the popcorn carefully and pull the popped kernels from the cob to eat.

Loose Popcorn or Bagged Popcorn

4. Add the popcorn kernels and optional vegetable oil to the paper bag.

5. Fold the top 2 inches of the bag over three times to close the bag and allow room for the expansion of the popcorn kernels.

6. Microwave the popcorn in the paper bag or the commercially packaged bag on high power for two to three minutes or until the popping slows down.

7. Remove the bag from the microwave and carefully open away from your face to avoid escaping steam. Add salt to taste, if desired and serve straight from the bag.

Tags: popcorn kernels, conventionally grown, conventionally grown popcorn, grown popcorn, grown popcorn Organic