Monday, May 16, 2011

Quickly Chill Champagne

There's no reason to panic when the guests have arrived and the champagne isn't chilled. Serve a perfectly chilled glass with only a few minutes to prepare. Adding cold water to the ice in the bucket easily speeds up the chilling process.


1. Fill your champagne ice bucket about half full with ice. Add enough cold water to cover the ice and leave room for your bottle of champagne.

2. Submerge the bottle in the ice and water mixture with the bottom end down if you have about 10 minutes to wait.

3. Set the unopened bottle, neck side down, into the bucket of ice and water if you are in a bigger hurry to get those first couple of glasses poured.

4. Tip the bottle upright after about 5 minutes, and serve your guest and yourself a glass of champagne. Put the opened bottle back in the bucket, neck up, to continue chilling.

5. Use your hands to rotate the bottle by rubbing them together with the neck of the bottle between them, like you are trying to warm them up. This can be done before the bottle is open, or carefully after a few glasses have been poured. The rotation allows your champagne to chill a little quicker.

Tags: about minutes, cold water, your champagne