Monday, September 21, 2009

How Long Does White Wine Last

White wine begins to deteriorate as soon as it's exposed to air.

Unopened bottles of white wine can last indefinitely as long as they are stored in a cool, dry, dark place and the integrity of the bottle and cork or seal remain intact. Once opened, however, the flavor components of the wine begin to change immediately. This is due to a process known as oxidation, in which the oxygen in the air that has entered the bottle reacts with the chemicals in the wine.

The Rule of Thumb

Knowing how long an opened bottle of white wine will last can be tricky, as the wine does not spoil immediately, but loses its characteristic flavors and aromas over time. The general rule for keeping an opened bottle of white wine is three days. After three days, the level of oxidation in the wine is typically high enough to cause noticeably unpleasant flavors and aromas in the wine.

After Opening

It is important to recork or replace the lid on the bottle of white wine immediately after opening and serving. The cork or lid prevents any extra air from flowing into the bottle and further oxidizing the wine.

Refrigerate After Use

Any leftover wine should be refrigerated immediately, as the cool temperature of the refrigerator helps to slow down the oxidation process. The wine should be stored in an upright position in the refrigerator and can be stored in the original closed or recorked bottle, or can be decanted into a smaller glass bottle with a lid or a stopper.

Special Tools

There are several tools available that claim to help slow the rate of oxidation in an opened bottle of wine. Special pumps and bottle stoppers can create a slight vacuum inside the bottle, while other gadgets are designed to float a layer of gas over the surface of the wine. These tools are widely available in wine shops and specialty stores.

Serving Leftover Wine

To serve any of the leftover refrigerated white wine, remove the bottle from the refrigerator, uncork or remove the lid and pour into a wine glass. White wine is best served chilled and does not need to be brought to a warmer serving temperature as with red wines.

Tags: white wine, bottle white, bottle white wine, opened bottle, flavors aromas, opened bottle white