Monday, August 12, 2013

Methods Of Juicing Apples

A juicer is only one way to juice apples

A cook juices an apple by extracting its juice. People use a variety of methods for extracting juice from an apple, but nearly all involve washing the apples before they are juiced, and carefully cleaning the juicing equipment, especially if the juice is to be fermented. It takes about 10 to 14 lbs. of apples to get a gallon of juice. Apples are often left to slightly over-ripen before they are juiced.

By Hand or with a Press

You can juice apples by crushing them with any hard, non-metallic object, including a mallet, or by using an apple press custom-made for the purpose of juicing apples. Those who wish to make alcohol from the cider will place the juice in a fermenting vat, which may be a wooden barrel or earthenware crock. To make non-alcoholic cider, simply drink the juice after filtering it through a cloth.

Slow Cooker

Cooks can juice a small number of apples in a slow cooker. Wash and cut the apples so that they fit in the pot, and steam them. Eventually, the pot will yield both juice and soft apples, which a cook may further press to extract juice. Cooks find this an easy way to add spices and other flavoring to apple juice.


A juicer is a common kitchen appliance used for extracting juice from a variety of items such as carrots, pears, and apples. To use a juicer, a cook will remove the core from each apple and cut it to fit the juicer. Then the cook will push the fruit through the juicer, which will collect the juice in a convenient container. Some cooks dilute the juice with water. Others combine the apples' juice with carrot or other juices.

Vacuum Distillation

Commercial cooks juice apples using vacuum distillation. First, the cooks will freeze the apples before distilling them to preserve flavor. Then, the apples are placed in a vacuum compartment beneath a low-pressure chamber, which causes the liquid to evaporate. Cooks may also flash vaporize the liquid at 10 percent to remove volatile substances. The resulting condensate can be 150 times as flavorful as the flavor of untreated apple juice and can be used to create reconstituted apple juice.

Tags: apple juice, extracting juice, apples before, before they, before they juiced, cook will, extracting juice from