Friday, August 5, 2011

Turn Milk In To Cheese

Fresh, wholesome dairy products like milk and low-fat cheese are, according to the Weight Watchers Research Department, part of maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. That's good news for cheese lovers. While it's true that some of your favorite cheeses can take a great deal of effort to make and need a great deal of aging before you can enjoy them, you can turn milk into cheese in your kitchen in just a few hours.


1. Line a large colander with a new, clean piece of tightly-woven cheesecloth. Set aside.

2. Pour 8 cups whole milk into a large saucepan.

3. Add 1/8 tsp. salt and stir to combine.

4. Place the saucepan on your stove top over medium heat and bring to a boil. Stir the milk frequently to prevent it from scorching.

5. Turn off the heat as soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the milk, but leave the saucepan on the burner.

6. Add 1/4 cup lemon juice to the milk. Stir well.

7. Leave the milk on your stove top for 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, the lemon juice will cause the milk to curdle (congeal into a jelly-like form).

8. Place your cheesecloth-lined colander in your sink. Pour the contents of the saucepan into the colander, allowing the excess liquid to drain into the sink.

9. Gather the cheesecloth, like a bag, around the cheese. Squeeze firmly to drain out as much excess liquid as possible.

10. Wrap the cheese tightly in plastic wrap and place it in an airtight container. Refrigerate overnight.

11. Remove the plastic wrap and place the cheese back in its container. Store in the refrigerator.

Tags: excess liquid, great deal, lemon juice, milk into, plastic wrap